Aftercare Guidelines for Facial and Body Piercings

Always Wash Your Hands Before Touching Your Piercing!


Do not put these things on or around the piercing

NO Rubbing Alcohol - NO Hydrogen Peroxide - NO Neosporin or other ointments

NO Make Up - NO Spray Tanning or other chemical tanning agent

NO Lotions, Oils, Perfumes, or Soaps – NO Body Paint - NO Body Glitter – NO Chemical Hair Products or Treatments (Plastic wrap over ear piercings can prevent contact for hair color or perm while being applied)

NO Swimming unless you cover your piercing with a waterproof bandage

NO one’s mouth on or around the piercing


A pillow with a hole in the middle, such as a travel pillow, is a good solution to avoid pressure on Cartilage piercings including Helix, Conch, Tragus, Forward Helix, Rook, Snug and Anti-Tragus Piercings. Just put your ear in the hole. 

Oral Piercings Only:

NO mouth washes containing Alcohol such as Listerine or Scope - No Open Mouth Kissing

No Performing Oral Sex - No Spicy Foods – Alcoholic Beverages may slow healing times

No Teeth Whitening Products

Cleaning Instructions

Body Piercings need to be cleaned once or twice daily, every day, for the entire healing time. Most people clean morning and/or night. For once-a-day cleanings clean at the end of your day.

Before cleanings wash hands with soap and hot water.  

Never touch healing piercings with dirty hands; this is vital for avoiding infections.

Prepare the area for cleansing by rinsing or soaking the area with warm water.

Then remove any stubborn crust using a wet cotton swab, an interdental brush, or a clean finger nail.

Gently pat dry with disposable paper products such as gauze, paper towel, or tissues

(Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and painfully catch on jewelry).

DO NOT remove your jewelry for cleanings, and do not rotate your jewelry while cleaning it

as that can damage your piercing and extend healing times.

Please try to be patient, each body is unique, and healing times can vary considerably. If your piercing is tender or secreting, you should continue your aftercare even if it is past the stated average healing time range. 

** Remember never twist, spin, or play with your piercing! This does not facilitate healing** 


Sterile Saline Wound Wash

Such as Neil-Med (Mist, not Stream is preferred)

Twice a day spray on pierced area (front and back). Wait 30-40 seconds then pat dry with a paper towel or other paper disposable product.


Aftercare Guidelines for Oral Piercings

Oral Rinse

Recommended Brands: Crest Pro-Health, Biotène, or Listerine Zero

Rinse your mouth for 30-60 seconds with an alcohol-free antibacterial mouth wash between 2-4 times a day. The ideal time to rinse is after meals, or after drinking sugary drinks.  Be careful not to over-clean your piercing, as this will also prevent proper healing.  (Signs of over cleaning include a white or yellow looking tongue).  Avoid Oral Rinses with Peroxide or whitening agents in them. 



Ice and other cold liquids can help reduce swelling.  Ice pops, ice cream, and frozen yogurt are also good ways to reduce swelling.  Swelling tends to last 3-5 days.


Brushing Your Teeth

It is important to brush your teeth three times daily while your piercing is healing.  Brushing your teeth will cut down on the amount of bacteria and food particles in your mouth.  It is suggested that you purchase a new soft bristle toothbrush to use during the initial healing period.  Also, plaque (a white crusty shell) will begin to build up on your jewelry if you do not gently brush the balls and post.  You should brush your jewelry daily if you want to prevent plaque build-up.